Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the things that are unchanging

There are differences when you cross class lines. Different priorities. Different problems to battle, different social mores to learn. Some of my friends are wrestling with remodeling their houses for a better resale value. Some of my neighbors are wrestling with paying to heat their uninsulated homes and still put meals on the table.

But then there are the things that are common to life, common to humanity. People love to share food and gather around a meal. Kids say goofy things, and they get dirty when they play outside. People have stories to tell.

And God. God is constant. He loves across all class lines and social distinctions. In fact, they are superfluous to him in the end--he is a God who cares about the heart. He sends sun and rain on people young and old, rich and poor, wise and foolish.

He reminded me of this last week. He showed me that he paints sunsets and clouds over every kind of sky, as majestic behind our trailer park as it would be behind the greatest mansion in the world. In everything, and in all places, God is loving and beautiful. That will never change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and so true. What a God we serve.

I can't tell you how much I loved getting to come over and hang out with you and the neighbors- it filled me with so much joy. I love what ya'll are doing